Your smile is undoubtedly your single most important facial feature. It is a vitally important part of your first impression. If you ask most people what they notice first, when meeting someone, it’s the smile. A nice bright happy smile immediately makes a good impression. In this day and age, there is no reason why you cannot have the smile you have always wanted. From a simple scale and polish and teeth whitening, to more extensive treatment, such as Vineers, Crowns or Orthodontics. Why not visit us to discuss your options. Absolutely no problem with that. It would be my pleasure to show you exactly what can be done.

Why the Elephants on the Clinic’s web site?

Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick CBE and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
The Bridge Dental Clinic supports Dame Daphne Sheldrick’s remarkable orphan elephant and rhino program, in Nairobi, Kenya. This incredible lady, supported by her daughter Angela, have overseen the creation of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Founded in 1977, in honour of the memory of her late husband, David, founding Warden of the Tsavo East National park.
Daphne and Peter Jenkins, her late brother, are my cousins. My visit to the Orphanage in Nairobi in March of last year, to meet Daphne, was an incredible experience and I urge you to google the DSWT and see the absolutely amazing contribution that the Trust makes to the rehabilitation and protection of Kenya’s threatened Wildlife and Wildlife Habitats.